
EE4SMEs is a project to promote the adoption of energy efficiency measures among SMEs by practically supporting companies in their path to implementing Energy Audit recommendations and efficiency improvements.

The initiative targets the Accommodation and Food Services, Agri-food, and Metalwork sectors. In Austria, the focus is on Accommodation.

The project supports companies in implementing the most appropriate measures in each of the selected sectors according to an initial evaluation, including support in finding suitable funding opportunities in each country.

Period: November 2022 to November 2025

E-Learning Platform

EnergyEfficiency4SMEs provides companies with access to the Impawatt Platform, offering a variety of resources on energy efficiency. The platform includes training materials, best practices, detailed descriptions, and presentations on energy-saving measures.

Additionally, it offers checklists, quizzes to engage employees, self-assessment tools, as well as financial guidance and monitoring resources, supporting businesses in their journey towards improved energy efficiency.


EE4SMEs in Austria

As part of the EU project EE4SMEs, hotel businesses were supported for free in saving energy costs.

The aim was to apply simple standard measures to make businesses more energy efficient. Energy costs can often be significantly reduced with simple measures that do not require large investments.

Benchmark evaluation to compare energy consumption with other (anonymised) businesses

Training sessions with experts from the field and representatives from the industry on the following topics

  • Proven technical solutions including practical examples
  • Funding and financing options
  • Motivation for employees
  • Instructions on how to use the Impawatt Platform as a tool for assessing energy consumption, including recommendations for efficient measures and information on technical solutions and subsidies.

Energy analyses (for a limited number of companies) to identify effective savings potential, which can often be implemented without investment. The technical basis is the e7 energy analysis tool developed by project partner e7 energy innovation & engineering (Vienna, Austria).

accomodation: main consumers and their efficiency potential

Main consumers in the accomodation sector and their relevance for energy efficiency measures.
Source: EIW

About the Project

EnergyEfficiency4SMEs is supported by LIFE21, the EU’s research and innovation instrument for the environment and climate action.

The EE4SMEs consortium consists of 23 implementing partners working together to support companies across 10 countries:

Eurochambres, Belgium (Coordinator)

Wirtschaftskammer Tirol – WKO, Austria

e7 energy innovation & engineering, Austria

Energieinstitut der Wirtschaft, Austria

Sdruzhenie Bulgarska Targovsko BG Promishlena Palata, Bulgaria

Energeiako Grafeio Kyprion Politon, Cyprus

Kypriakon Emborikon Kai Biomichanikon Epimelitrion, Cyprus

MTU Eesti Kaubandus Toostuskoda, Estonia

Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie France, France

Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Auvergne Rhone-Alpes, France

Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Bourgogne Franche Comté, France

Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Nice Côte d’Azur, France

Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Nouvelle Aquitaine, France

SEnerCon, Germany

Azienda Speciale di Riviere Liguria, Italy

Fondazione Venice ONLUS, Italy

Unione Regionale delle Camere di Commercio Industria, Artgianato e Agricoltura del Veneto di Genova, Italy

Unione Regionale delle Camere di Commercio Industria, Artgianato e Agricoltura del Veneto, Italy

Energy and Water Agency, Malta

Malta Business Foundation, Malta

Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Murcia, Spain

Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Sevilla, Spain

Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Servicios de Terrassa, Spain

Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Valencia, Spain

Life-Programm, ko-finanziert von der EU