The project helped small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in 12 European countries optimise their energy use by developing a European network of Intelligent Energy advisors at Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCIs) and by kick-starting/enhancing concrete assistance to SMEs, such as information events and short energy audits.
Period: September 2008 to September 2010
Project Partner: EUROCHAMBRES (Project coordinator) and Chambers of Commerce and Industry from 12 European countries from Bulgaria to Sweden
This project involved 61 CCIs from 12 European countries. Those Chamber advisors who were not yet familiar with energy topics first gained basic knowledge of energy efficiency and the application of renewable energies in a business context through training and exchange of experience with their peers at EU (December 2008) and national level (mostly 1st quarter 2009).
They could then start to operate as “first ports of call” for SMEs in energy matters: Facilitating their access to information, organising information events, and encouraging businesses to take energy pre-checks, they contributed to bridging the gap between SMEs and existing services and resources available in the different countries.
The Energy Institute for Business implemented this project in Austria, together with the Austrian Federla Economic Chamber and the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. They conducted information events for businesses on current issues in energy efficiency, and were also part of the team of more experienced chamber advisors and experts who shared their knowledge and experience with the colleagues in the other EU countries.

Finally, a survey about factors influencing the uptake of energy efficiency measures or renewable energy sources by businesses positively or negatively, was also carried out. The report “Energy Efficiency in SMEs: Success Factors and Obstacles” summarizes the results, including what suport businesses - and especially SMEs - need to be able to improve their energy situation.
Co-financed from
the „Intelligent Energy Europe“ Programme of the EU.