Infopoint, the information platform of Nachhaltigkeitsagenda für Getränkeverpackungen, Austria’s sustainability agenda for beverage packaging, bundles knowledge on energy efficiency, recycling and climate protection.
Especially employees of companies that are exemplary in terms of sustainability are provided with a constantly growing online database (in German).
Here you will find quick and clear information on numerous topics - for example...
- How are beverage cartons recycled?
- What should be considered regarding the disposal of glass?
- Can a company save significant energy and money on lighting?
Instead of long surfing trips through the Internet, the Infopoint Nachhaltigkeitsagenda offers essential knowledge in compact form. For each of the topics you will find...
- Questions and Answers: Practical explanations on some key issues.
- Pictures and graphics: Illustrating contents by pictures, tables and diagrams.
- Glossary: Facts in brief / terms quickly explained.
- Further information: Finally, selected links lead to important sources for more detailed information.
Infopoint Quiz
Until February 2020, knowledge about energy efficiency and recycling could be checked playfully and quickly by means of the Infopoint Quiz. The answers could be found at the Infopoint Nachhaltigkeitsagenda.
Attractive prizes were awarded among the many participants, donated by members and stakeholders of the Sustainability Agenda for beverage packaging.
Period: December 2019
Project Partner: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich