With active inclusion of tenants, an innovative modernisation plan with flexible, future-proof new forms of living for better living standards of future generations will be developed for two blocks of 150 flats. Key facts of this smart modernisation are inclusion of tenants, the living surroundings, socio-demographic change and socio-economic framework conditions.
The project comprises energetic redevelopment of the blocks of flats, design of the living surroundings and challenges of sustainable mobility. Comprehensive communication and information as well as inclusion of tenants and aspects of demographic change and social sustainability are all part of this project.
The goal of this evaluation project is to find affordable, social-economical and ecological suggestions for realisation. These findings are to be included in a project handbook and in a process handbook for use in future projects.
Such a project with the large range of topics would not be possible without financial assistance. Gender aspects with regard to user-specific forms of living, design of community areas, mobility and ICT solutions are also taken into account. So far missing realisation experiences shall be analysed with tenant participation, this generates specific innovation content.
Period: June 2015 to May 2016
Project Partner: Wohnservice Wien Ges.m.b.H, wohnbund:consult, Dr. Raimund Gutmann, Stadt Wien – Wiener Wohnen, MA 50 – Wohnbauforschung, Rosinak & Partner ZT GmbH, Gemeinnützige Bau- und Wohnungsgenossenschaft Wien-Süd eGenmbH

Initiator: Klima- und Energiefonds