Living Model with Future

Development of clear technical and economic models for the mid- and large volume social housing construction.

3 subject areas: Living across generations; living & working; smart home.

3 variations: Common living, separate buildings, pavilion-style building

3 columns of sustainability: ecological, economic, social

Period: February 2015 to January 2016

Project Partner: BLUESAVE Consulting GmbH - Elisabeth Wirth, MA (Konsortialführung, Projektleitung) / ATLAS Gemeinnützige Wohnungs- und Siedlungsgenossenschaft reg.Gen.M.b.H. / Treberspurg & Partner Architekten ZT GmbH / Universität für Bodenkultur - Institut für konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Arbeitsgruppe Ressourcenorientiertes Bauen

Starting position

The non-profit mid- and large volume residential construction faces the task to build very economically on the one hand and to offer state of the art solutions on the other hand. Additionally, there are changes in society (reversal of the population pyramid, increased desire of self-determination, combination of work life and family life as preferred and economic necessity) as well as the tendency towards very low energy passive houses - or even plus energy construction.

With existing planning and business models as well as the current mechanisms of the 'Wohnungsgemeinnützigkeitsgesetz' (WGG), a comprehensive inclusion of all aspects is not feasible: integrated and comprehensive approaches are missing.


Development of modular, comprehensive technical and economic business models for project development within the possibilities of the WGG with the following aspects:

Generation Living in mid- to large volume residential construction with aspects of Ambient Assisted Living.

Living and Working in mid- to large volume residential construction (office areas with plug- and work-places) including mobility aspects (connection to public transport, E-Bike-Sharing, E-Car-Sharing, charging areas, trolley solutions for shopping, central transport solutions...)

Smart Home: Building envelope areas are used for energy generation and greening, monitoring for operating cost optimisation with smart metering, simple upgrading to new technologies.

Initiator: BMVIT - Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation & Technologie - Programm „Energie der Zukunft“